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Sunday, February 26, 2006
What Madonna looked like thousands of years ago..

My niece, the flash-dance wannabe. She dressed as such after seeing Madonna's Hung-Up video clip.
Kids nowsadays....
The quarantine is almost over. Couped in thy room wif heavy dosages of Channel 5, CNA and Suria aint tat fun y'know.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
I feel like chicken tonite, like chicken tonite!
After such a happening week, i am now brought back down to earth. Im down with chicken pox. Man oh man.
Yun, I'll return ur cds n S$10 prob nxt week when I get better aight. Sorry abt tat.
Now if anyone has any antidotes for my speedy recovery, pls do let me know. You know those old wive's tale...
Yun, I'll return ur cds n S$10 prob nxt week when I get better aight. Sorry abt tat.
Now if anyone has any antidotes for my speedy recovery, pls do let me know. You know those old wive's tale...
Sunday, February 19, 2006
Liverpool 1 - Manchester United 0
this has been one of the best weeks in 2006 so far. First, Liverpool beat Arsenal, then i witnessed one of the best concerts by this Glasgow band that goes by the name of Franz Ferdinand and to top it all off, then Liverpool beat Man Utd. I cant stop grinning.....Super fantastiche.....haha...and Elf, u shld like jemur the tshirt first if u consider to frame it.haha.
Super Week!
PS. Alex Kopranos is a sexy bastard.Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Super Week!
PS. Alex Kopranos is a sexy bastard.Oh yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Alex Alex, You're My Hero!
I am still humming to most of the FF tunes up till now. Especially You could have it so much better and This Fire. And Eleanor. Outsiders. You're the reason I'm leaving.

The stage is set.
Yesterday was such a wonderful nite. Shame on those that missed out. S$90 spent was all worth it. Group was great, even tho it was my virgin trip wif the ladies from the atriumzzz. But it was all good lah. Thanks to Noy and her cousin in line, we, the sadin bunch, just cut queue like no one's business. Hey tat dude sitting alone on the parapet never rapat the saf acting cool, he should have no problems with us cutting queue aye. Kita sedare se-Islam.

The calm before the storm. Still looking fresh and excited.(L-R: Elfian Sharin Yun)
But seriously, tat moment of sadin-ness reaped bountiful. We got really upclose to the stage. At first not tat near, but once the lights went out, it's less dangerous, here we are now entertain us, Alex came on, at 8.20 with his oh-so-cool flowery shirt and came upfront n bowed to the fans (he is fucking handsome okay) FF started off with This Boy. Everything became a mad frenzy. I was being pushed like no one's business. This dude in front of me was really trying to protect his acting cutesy gf, but to no avail. He kept turning behind as if I was the one pushing, when there were like hundreds of people behind me pushing. Well she did look cutesy when penyek n all. Lil 13-14 year old gerls (i tink they tat young loh) screeching the (yes, not sing) lyrics with their pre-pubescent voices. Apparently got feedback even 23 year old gerls were screeching (tat was u Su). And funnily me n yun felt this big guy pushing us rather strongly from behind. We turned and voila, our guy turned out to be a big strong ang moh gerl. Yowzah. She was really strong dude, almost crushing me like a cockroach.

Alex looking yummy and model-esque in the flowery shirt.
People were like weaving in and out like no one's business. People behind us suddenly was infront. I suddenly found myself in no man's land, lost yun n sharin n su n all. But wat the heck. Wat bonded us together was FF and the sweet smell of armpits n hair. Yea nasty. Another figure I cant forget was this girl who was so adamant in holding up her NICK IS SEXIST and SLACKEN_THIGHS placard that it became irritating. Sure it caught Alex's attention and made him smile, but both her hands were constantly up n resting on people's shoulders. Sheesh.
Frankly, I almost passed out and be carried away by big fat white balded with beard bouncers over the barricade and i will like look really faint (ala those big concerts) but paiseh lah. Endure only lah. My dance moves were dictated by how the crowd ard me moved, so it helped lah since I have to left legs (if you know what i mean).
I totally lost track of all the songs they played yesterday. Im really bad with song titles. But what I know, they went off at 9.15. Tot we had to shout that encore shit n all. Turned out we were shouting WE WANT GOAL! WE WANT GOAL! hhaha. I really felt like in National Stadia instead. Skali got this ang moh behind us, we shouted sometin in Malay, then he shouted " YEAH! ROTI PRATA!" and we were like wat the fuck. And our WE WANT GOAL chants became MAT SALLEH BODOH! whahahhahaha. Before that he was shouting FOOD PARTY! FOOD PARTY! coz midway thru the concert, Alex held up a piece of paper and invited everyone to their Intercontinental Hotel, and said "it's between Middle street and Victoria Street". He wanted us to be there with our frens and to bring food so that we can have a food party. Apparently he likes our local food. Should have given him belachan and ikan tongkol.
Alex n gang came on again abt 7mins later and continued another 30mins. Started off with Eleanor (just Alex on acoustic) and surprisingly towards the end was accompanied by drums n all. One song (forgotten what it was) Nick switched to drums and Paul to guitar.
Funnily, apparently some kids in the group thot this was Substation and started moshing. I was like, chill, drunken munky. And it nearly broke into a skirmish when someone got hit or sumtin. But that monkey was sumtin. U were at the wrong gig lah dey.
Notice the picture above, there's a guy standing n banging the drums. At that point of time (again forgotten what song) Paul was kicking the kickdrums n tambourine and 2 guys suddenly joined in (probably their roadie or chef or sumtin) and banged the drums. Amazingly, even tho they looked as if they were fooling ard, every beat was in sync. Alex, Nick and Bob left after the song, and the 3 guys were still banging the drums. I was like thinkin oh ok, it's the finale, so let the drummer have it all lah. Then the 2 guys tire out and Paul carried on with his drum solo. Amazingly, Alex n gang came back on they with no pause or anyting, they went into This Fire. And that was how it ended.Amazing lah dey.

The FF boys taking a bow. Fabulously done.
Now the highlight of the nite IS the end of the show. So we chilled out first on the floor, resting our aching feet (and silently hoping to get one of those Good Morning towels Alex used) or probably a drumstick or speaker.

Guys, the camera is this way.
Here was where we all got reunited again. Everyone lookin exasperated and like just finished swimming 20laps. And on top of that, baju berbau ikan asin. That trojan ad suddenly came to mind (EEeeeeeeeee Baju Ayah berbau! And voila a trashcan appeared on his chest). We only made our way out after Yun got kicked with an Ole chips can by a silly gerl and chased out by the bouncer. Again outside we chilled out. Then i noticed that people were carrying drinks so we decided to look for the vending machine. Little did we know that the vending mahcine was very near to the exit of the stadia. And suddenly out came Nick. And that placard gal was also there. Apparently he knew abt her and were talking like ol' buddies leh. I was too stunned so I just took a paparazzo video of him and the gerl (maybe can sell to OK mag or Gila-Gila). And then Yun cajoled me to ask him sign my tee. By then he left and I think he said to me later alligator. And then we realised that Alex was actually further up front mingling with another group of crowd.

Nick can I have your Good Morning towel?
Now Alex here is one of a kind. He was very obliging towards everyone, and seriously trying to sign everything that all the hands offered. And he even autographed shoes damnit, without even a squirm on his face. I mean how many people can like hold someone else's shoe sadin only, and still sign it. And when a gal passed him what looked like a diary, he was flipping thru it to look for the right page to sign. I mean, c'mon, how many stars would even bother flipping it but just sign on the cover rite. But not Alex. He is sincerely a nice guy.I think he seriously managed to sign everything there and hugged all those sweaty smelly gerls that needed one. Who would have bothered rite? Not Alex.
And when he left, in my heart i was really hoping that he would peng to our side. And by george he did!! There he was in his navy-blue lacoste shirt approaching us. He came to our side (it wasnt very crowded our area) and i quickly muscled my way to the front (i am but a groupie too) and he was like talking and i didnt know wat to do. I was starstruck until i saw noy took out her camera phone n i started doing the same. I just videod him until i was like, wat the hell, i need him to sign my tee. So here i was holding onto my coke can and asking Su to help me carry, skali she buat bodoh only (i tink she also was on dreamland liao) so i just put my half finished can on the floor and held a 'conversation' with Alex, " Hey Alex can you (stammers) sign my this your band tshirt". Yes. Suddenly my english koyak and i was really stuttering. And Alex replied, " Yea sure." See. We clicked. We are buddies. He knows me. Ten years down the road, i'm sure he'd still remember our conversation. Too bad he had on only a pen, so the signature wasnt tat clear. But still, good enough. And when done, I said "Alex that was a great shirt" when I meant to say "that was a great show". See lah. My english all hancur. I actually wanted to get a hug from him too juz like Su n Uzy, but scared wait he'd feel squirmish or sumtin. I am his Michael. But no peck lah hor.
But seriously, being upclose (and personal) to him, I could really see his excitement and sincerity in meeting his fans and signing autographs. It wasnt just some scribble. He did it properly. And the smile and excitement on his face, it's as if he had just performed his first performance on say, teacher's day at the skool concert and now all ur frens are supporting you. But nooooo. This is FRANZ fucking FERDINAND we're talking abt here. Every other week they'd be performing everywhere, even in bigger venues than our Indoor Stadia. But still his excitement showed as if he was playing his first ever gig and we were his first fans. Now that made it all the special. The only regret I'd have is that I should have gone to their hotel after the concert. Apparently the fans there got all 4 signatures n photos taken with them. Oh well. I got this.

I really do hope that Mister Alex stumbles upon this humble blog and read this very appreciative write-up of him and accept our sincere thanks. You really are my rockstar superhero. If somebody do know their manager or sumtin, do send this killersherpa link to him aight. Im sure he'll remember me. Btw Alex, my name is Elfian and it's been an honour to meet you.

P.S: Yun, my franz tee, reeking of armpits n all is still not washed and hung on my bed. Thinking of framing it.

The stage is set.
Yesterday was such a wonderful nite. Shame on those that missed out. S$90 spent was all worth it. Group was great, even tho it was my virgin trip wif the ladies from the atriumzzz. But it was all good lah. Thanks to Noy and her cousin in line, we, the sadin bunch, just cut queue like no one's business. Hey tat dude sitting alone on the parapet never rapat the saf acting cool, he should have no problems with us cutting queue aye. Kita sedare se-Islam.

The calm before the storm. Still looking fresh and excited.(L-R: Elfian Sharin Yun)
But seriously, tat moment of sadin-ness reaped bountiful. We got really upclose to the stage. At first not tat near, but once the lights went out, it's less dangerous, here we are now entertain us, Alex came on, at 8.20 with his oh-so-cool flowery shirt and came upfront n bowed to the fans (he is fucking handsome okay) FF started off with This Boy. Everything became a mad frenzy. I was being pushed like no one's business. This dude in front of me was really trying to protect his acting cutesy gf, but to no avail. He kept turning behind as if I was the one pushing, when there were like hundreds of people behind me pushing. Well she did look cutesy when penyek n all. Lil 13-14 year old gerls (i tink they tat young loh) screeching the (yes, not sing) lyrics with their pre-pubescent voices. Apparently got feedback even 23 year old gerls were screeching (tat was u Su). And funnily me n yun felt this big guy pushing us rather strongly from behind. We turned and voila, our guy turned out to be a big strong ang moh gerl. Yowzah. She was really strong dude, almost crushing me like a cockroach.

Alex looking yummy and model-esque in the flowery shirt.
People were like weaving in and out like no one's business. People behind us suddenly was infront. I suddenly found myself in no man's land, lost yun n sharin n su n all. But wat the heck. Wat bonded us together was FF and the sweet smell of armpits n hair. Yea nasty. Another figure I cant forget was this girl who was so adamant in holding up her NICK IS SEXIST and SLACKEN_THIGHS placard that it became irritating. Sure it caught Alex's attention and made him smile, but both her hands were constantly up n resting on people's shoulders. Sheesh.
Frankly, I almost passed out and be carried away by big fat white balded with beard bouncers over the barricade and i will like look really faint (ala those big concerts) but paiseh lah. Endure only lah. My dance moves were dictated by how the crowd ard me moved, so it helped lah since I have to left legs (if you know what i mean).
I totally lost track of all the songs they played yesterday. Im really bad with song titles. But what I know, they went off at 9.15. Tot we had to shout that encore shit n all. Turned out we were shouting WE WANT GOAL! WE WANT GOAL! hhaha. I really felt like in National Stadia instead. Skali got this ang moh behind us, we shouted sometin in Malay, then he shouted " YEAH! ROTI PRATA!" and we were like wat the fuck. And our WE WANT GOAL chants became MAT SALLEH BODOH! whahahhahaha. Before that he was shouting FOOD PARTY! FOOD PARTY! coz midway thru the concert, Alex held up a piece of paper and invited everyone to their Intercontinental Hotel, and said "it's between Middle street and Victoria Street". He wanted us to be there with our frens and to bring food so that we can have a food party. Apparently he likes our local food. Should have given him belachan and ikan tongkol.
Alex n gang came on again abt 7mins later and continued another 30mins. Started off with Eleanor (just Alex on acoustic) and surprisingly towards the end was accompanied by drums n all. One song (forgotten what it was) Nick switched to drums and Paul to guitar.
Funnily, apparently some kids in the group thot this was Substation and started moshing. I was like, chill, drunken munky. And it nearly broke into a skirmish when someone got hit or sumtin. But that monkey was sumtin. U were at the wrong gig lah dey.
Notice the picture above, there's a guy standing n banging the drums. At that point of time (again forgotten what song) Paul was kicking the kickdrums n tambourine and 2 guys suddenly joined in (probably their roadie or chef or sumtin) and banged the drums. Amazingly, even tho they looked as if they were fooling ard, every beat was in sync. Alex, Nick and Bob left after the song, and the 3 guys were still banging the drums. I was like thinkin oh ok, it's the finale, so let the drummer have it all lah. Then the 2 guys tire out and Paul carried on with his drum solo. Amazingly, Alex n gang came back on they with no pause or anyting, they went into This Fire. And that was how it ended.Amazing lah dey.

The FF boys taking a bow. Fabulously done.
Now the highlight of the nite IS the end of the show. So we chilled out first on the floor, resting our aching feet (and silently hoping to get one of those Good Morning towels Alex used) or probably a drumstick or speaker.

Guys, the camera is this way.
Here was where we all got reunited again. Everyone lookin exasperated and like just finished swimming 20laps. And on top of that, baju berbau ikan asin. That trojan ad suddenly came to mind (EEeeeeeeeee Baju Ayah berbau! And voila a trashcan appeared on his chest). We only made our way out after Yun got kicked with an Ole chips can by a silly gerl and chased out by the bouncer. Again outside we chilled out. Then i noticed that people were carrying drinks so we decided to look for the vending machine. Little did we know that the vending mahcine was very near to the exit of the stadia. And suddenly out came Nick. And that placard gal was also there. Apparently he knew abt her and were talking like ol' buddies leh. I was too stunned so I just took a paparazzo video of him and the gerl (maybe can sell to OK mag or Gila-Gila). And then Yun cajoled me to ask him sign my tee. By then he left and I think he said to me later alligator. And then we realised that Alex was actually further up front mingling with another group of crowd.

Nick can I have your Good Morning towel?
Now Alex here is one of a kind. He was very obliging towards everyone, and seriously trying to sign everything that all the hands offered. And he even autographed shoes damnit, without even a squirm on his face. I mean how many people can like hold someone else's shoe sadin only, and still sign it. And when a gal passed him what looked like a diary, he was flipping thru it to look for the right page to sign. I mean, c'mon, how many stars would even bother flipping it but just sign on the cover rite. But not Alex. He is sincerely a nice guy.I think he seriously managed to sign everything there and hugged all those sweaty smelly gerls that needed one. Who would have bothered rite? Not Alex.
And when he left, in my heart i was really hoping that he would peng to our side. And by george he did!! There he was in his navy-blue lacoste shirt approaching us. He came to our side (it wasnt very crowded our area) and i quickly muscled my way to the front (i am but a groupie too) and he was like talking and i didnt know wat to do. I was starstruck until i saw noy took out her camera phone n i started doing the same. I just videod him until i was like, wat the hell, i need him to sign my tee. So here i was holding onto my coke can and asking Su to help me carry, skali she buat bodoh only (i tink she also was on dreamland liao) so i just put my half finished can on the floor and held a 'conversation' with Alex, " Hey Alex can you (stammers) sign my this your band tshirt". Yes. Suddenly my english koyak and i was really stuttering. And Alex replied, " Yea sure." See. We clicked. We are buddies. He knows me. Ten years down the road, i'm sure he'd still remember our conversation. Too bad he had on only a pen, so the signature wasnt tat clear. But still, good enough. And when done, I said "Alex that was a great shirt" when I meant to say "that was a great show". See lah. My english all hancur. I actually wanted to get a hug from him too juz like Su n Uzy, but scared wait he'd feel squirmish or sumtin. I am his Michael. But no peck lah hor.
But seriously, being upclose (and personal) to him, I could really see his excitement and sincerity in meeting his fans and signing autographs. It wasnt just some scribble. He did it properly. And the smile and excitement on his face, it's as if he had just performed his first performance on say, teacher's day at the skool concert and now all ur frens are supporting you. But nooooo. This is FRANZ fucking FERDINAND we're talking abt here. Every other week they'd be performing everywhere, even in bigger venues than our Indoor Stadia. But still his excitement showed as if he was playing his first ever gig and we were his first fans. Now that made it all the special. The only regret I'd have is that I should have gone to their hotel after the concert. Apparently the fans there got all 4 signatures n photos taken with them. Oh well. I got this.

I really do hope that Mister Alex stumbles upon this humble blog and read this very appreciative write-up of him and accept our sincere thanks. You really are my rockstar superhero. If somebody do know their manager or sumtin, do send this killersherpa link to him aight. Im sure he'll remember me. Btw Alex, my name is Elfian and it's been an honour to meet you.

P.S: Yun, my franz tee, reeking of armpits n all is still not washed and hung on my bed. Thinking of framing it.
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Well do you, do you, do you wanna!
Juz a few more hours before I meet Aex Kapranos n gang. Woweeeeeeee. On another note, my favorite niece is back here in sunny Singapura since early Jan.
Here she wants to be juz like her policeman unkle.

Here she wants to be juz like her policeman unkle.
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
C'mon you Scousers!
In light of the current uproar on the inciteful caricatures of our beloved Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) being published throughtout Europe, may I encourage you people to vote whether "Do you believe Western press has the right to publish the controversial cartoons on Prophet Mohammad?" on the Channel News Asia website. Currently it stands at YES (freedom of press) 44% and NO (respect religious sensitivities) 56%. I agree with freedom of press, but what i do not agree is if certain issues might lead to worsening of conditions, more bloodshed and hatred. And i find it rather disrecpectful that Channel News Asia did not acknowledge our Prophet (pbuh) with the rightful title of Prophet, but merely by his first name.
On the flipside, quote of the week certainly has to be from Senor Benitez, "I'm in a hurry and I must go to the hospital to see how Robben is, he could be in hospital for a week,". This he said, during an interview, and really acted as if he was in a rush. Hahahaha. These Spaniards. Wonder what the exchange was between a DUTCH and SPANIARD that made the Spaniard do an about turn and layeth the smackdown.
On the flipside, quote of the week certainly has to be from Senor Benitez, "I'm in a hurry and I must go to the hospital to see how Robben is, he could be in hospital for a week,". This he said, during an interview, and really acted as if he was in a rush. Hahahaha. These Spaniards. Wonder what the exchange was between a DUTCH and SPANIARD that made the Spaniard do an about turn and layeth the smackdown.
Monday, February 06, 2006
Chelsea 2 - Liverpool 0
after all the hype surrounding this game, i was terribly let down by the performance of the Reds. There was no gameplan, well i think Benitez wanted to go for a draw but overall we were just waiting to be beaten by the blue bastards from London. Shitty refreeing also played a part in this loss. And Arjen Robben, who runs so fast that his hairline recedes, has just been added as one of the Best Actor nominees in the upcoming Oscars. Bloody wanker!
current audio- Oasis's The importance of Being Idle
current audio- Oasis's The importance of Being Idle