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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
all of a sudden, after writing the previous movie review, i was reminded of this ol skool Dynamo (or was it breeze) ad. It was during the craze of Terminator 2, and had this "ARnie" look-alike coming into the screen as terminator in his black leather jacket. So as usual, "doctors" or "scientists" at the detergent lab took the black jacket for washing and voila, it became WHITE!
Then the "arnie" guy says, "Hasta La Vista Dirt Stains," in robotic manner and continued "Actually, i've always preferred white"
Then after promoting the detergent, "arnie" pops up in the background wearing a Hawaian shirt and said " And colors too!" Hahahahahahahah. Anyone else recall this ad, holla back at me yo! Show thyself and we can indulge in some really ol skool commercials.
Ol skool detergent commercials always had that same detergent "doctor" / "scientiest" in his lab and watching mothers as his spectators. And he'll always round off the experiment by drawing a circle ard the stain with a lipstick (for those leering husbands i guess) amidst dramatic gasp from the ladies in da house. Then rub a lil dynamo liquid on it, and pour the rest into the whole wash (the same exact lines im quoting).
Then the "arnie" guy says, "Hasta La Vista Dirt Stains," in robotic manner and continued "Actually, i've always preferred white"
Then after promoting the detergent, "arnie" pops up in the background wearing a Hawaian shirt and said " And colors too!" Hahahahahahahah. Anyone else recall this ad, holla back at me yo! Show thyself and we can indulge in some really ol skool commercials.
Ol skool detergent commercials always had that same detergent "doctor" / "scientiest" in his lab and watching mothers as his spectators. And he'll always round off the experiment by drawing a circle ard the stain with a lipstick (for those leering husbands i guess) amidst dramatic gasp from the ladies in da house. Then rub a lil dynamo liquid on it, and pour the rest into the whole wash (the same exact lines im quoting).
I rmbr d ad too! "Arnie" was dis m'sian bodybuilder. I thk he acted in some film before.
Wat else can u rmbr abt d yesteryears? I rmbr lotsa old cartoons & kid shows.
U rmbr dat old cartoon abt those creatures that live in a community (a bit like Smurfs) under the sea? They have tubes on their heads.
Ingat tak??
Wat else can u rmbr abt d yesteryears? I rmbr lotsa old cartoons & kid shows.
U rmbr dat old cartoon abt those creatures that live in a community (a bit like Smurfs) under the sea? They have tubes on their heads.
Ingat tak??
i miss the old days when they show cool cartoons like mask, thunder cats, centurions. way way cool man.
Az, im not sure who acted as tat terminator tho. But i tink u're referring to the legendary Malek Noor, Malaysia's famed muscleman turned pelakon layar perak. He of whom, helped his villagers carry a kampun hse move from one place to another, amidst killer aedes mosquitoes. MY HERO! Abt the kartun u talking abt, citer ape sey? Could it be u watch it from the ol' skool tv2, golden kids tv? I cant recall of anyone breathing thru their heads.
Yea Fir, dont start on those classic kartuns. Those were way way too kool. Too bad now kartuns mostly sucky. I miss Gumby.
Yea Fir, dont start on those classic kartuns. Those were way way too kool. Too bad now kartuns mostly sucky. I miss Gumby.
Az, im not sure who acted as tat terminator tho. But i tink u're referring to the legendary Malek Noor, Malaysia's famed muscleman turned pelakon layar perak. He of whom, helped his villagers carry a kampun hse move from one place to another, amidst killer aedes mosquitoes. MY HERO! Abt the kartun u talking abt, citer ape sey? Could it be u watch it from the ol' skool tv2, golden kids tv? I cant recall of anyone breathing thru their heads.
Yea Fir, dont start on those classic kartuns. Those were way way too kool. Too bad now kartuns mostly sucky. I miss Gumby.
Yea Fir, dont start on those classic kartuns. Those were way way too kool. Too bad now kartuns mostly sucky. I miss Gumby.
wahahaha..entry kau buat aku feel damn old lor. But u forgot the one ad that defines me..eh i mean us...as kids back then. Kau ingat tak... "TORA DATANG LAGI!" abeh tu ada pak mat sentul n his bevy of kids blowing happily (blowing on some toy, that is...) The ad made those free toys look SOOOO DAMN FUN. Abeh one of the mainan theres some thingie where u blow on one end n on the other end ada bende kejadah yg boleh float. How come they don sell those choco balls anymore eh...
Which reminds me of another ad.. AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-POLLO! blahblahblah rentak apollo yehh..pastinya snek lazat! (repeat chorus) AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-POLLO!
Which reminds me of another ad.. AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-POLLO! blahblahblah rentak apollo yehh..pastinya snek lazat! (repeat chorus) AH-AH-AH-AH-AH-POLLO!
AH AH AH, APOLLO! Ini lah rentak, rentak APollo yeah! Kacang bersalut coklat, pastinya snek lazat! AP AP AP AP APOLLO!
Tat was for u Su. lucky u specified blowing the toy. ingat wat those kids cud be blowin. Mat sentul got his breakthru into showbiz by thru such ads. ding dang was a cheaper tora. and anyone remember KAKA? snek lazat berwarna merah. sigh. im old. any more ol skool ads peeps? wat abt those CRUNCH ads? makan je ade got typhoon lah, the female skirt go up all. Earthquake lah. tats entertainment ads!
Tat was for u Su. lucky u specified blowing the toy. ingat wat those kids cud be blowin. Mat sentul got his breakthru into showbiz by thru such ads. ding dang was a cheaper tora. and anyone remember KAKA? snek lazat berwarna merah. sigh. im old. any more ol skool ads peeps? wat abt those CRUNCH ads? makan je ade got typhoon lah, the female skirt go up all. Earthquake lah. tats entertainment ads!
That cartoon wif those sea creatures tt I was tokg abt was called Snorks lah. Go do a Net search on it to c d pix. Mesti ingat punye.
I rmbr tt toy, su-ji. It kinda luks like a pipe (not paip air but d ol' men's pipe) but it has a small basket wif a ball in it at the other end. When u blow, d ball floats! Rite?
King Haku, it wasn't Malek Noor in tt ad lah. Alah nvm lah. Niwae, I rmbr Tora, Ding Dang, Kaka, Chickadees, Alibaba (d black, mysterious packet tt contained a toy but u wun noe wat u've bought til u rip d packet open), Apollo (tho it's not ancient enuf) & d Crunch ad. Fuyooh! Tt's quite a list there!
I rmbr tt toy, su-ji. It kinda luks like a pipe (not paip air but d ol' men's pipe) but it has a small basket wif a ball in it at the other end. When u blow, d ball floats! Rite?
King Haku, it wasn't Malek Noor in tt ad lah. Alah nvm lah. Niwae, I rmbr Tora, Ding Dang, Kaka, Chickadees, Alibaba (d black, mysterious packet tt contained a toy but u wun noe wat u've bought til u rip d packet open), Apollo (tho it's not ancient enuf) & d Crunch ad. Fuyooh! Tt's quite a list there!
oh hell no ive nvr seen tat cartoon before lah az. seriously. maybe was glued to pound puppies and my little pony.
tat blow ball thingy, oh so ol skool man. how abt the common parachute army soldier u get when u buy vitagen/yakult?
is tat misterious black packet really known as ALi baba? Serious ah? nvr really knew the name. and i hardly bought tat coz it looked to misterious with the question mark symbol and all. for all i know, the surprise would be u open up the packet and it's empty. SUPRISE!
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tat blow ball thingy, oh so ol skool man. how abt the common parachute army soldier u get when u buy vitagen/yakult?
is tat misterious black packet really known as ALi baba? Serious ah? nvr really knew the name. and i hardly bought tat coz it looked to misterious with the question mark symbol and all. for all i know, the surprise would be u open up the packet and it's empty. SUPRISE!