
Friday, November 04, 2005

seeelamat, seeelamat hari raya! (Now you sing..) 

The Ghostwriters of this famed killersherpa website would like to wish, from the bottom of our aching and gasoues stomaches due to overload of rendangs, ayam merah n sarawak, serundings, ketupats and burasaks, and F&N blitz, Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to all the muslims in the entire galaxy. We would like to seek forgiveness and if our writings (or heck, our face to face confrontations) have somewhat belittled you, lazered you, defamed you, or simply seditious, please forgive us. And if we had accidentally eaten your food, or accidentally stolen, i mean taken your things or simply owe you guys money, please Halal kan okgo. And a belated Deepavali to our Hindu subscribers. Muneri Valibar muneri andram....

* cash donations should be made good by dropping us an email and we'll give you the postal address. hide cash well!
smalat rayi.. aku celebrate dua2 skali.. aku dkk gak tapi takper.. slamat hari rayer.. dosa2 korang aku da ampunkan. ampunkan aku ye yan n yun. smoga Allah panjangkan umur korang dua. N Stay kewl n funky! hahahh! kental seh aku.
takper aku baik peh orang....you guys are forgiven...likewise eh
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