
Monday, March 06, 2006

Going for trials at Bath City FC 

Fellow bloggers, hear ye hear ye. I will be flying off on a mission to bournemouth (pronounced BORN-MERF) tomorow. Im actually accompanying my sis n niece back there, so will hopefully make full use of my time there. Where is Bournemouth? Well, to my understanding, it's 2.5hrs away from London. Its somewhere in the South Coast of England. So my flight SQ 318 will depart Sing 9am and arrive at 3pm London time, at the Heathrow airport. From there, i'll be taking a bus down to her place and it will be one helluva long bus ride. Prob from Johor to KL? To get a clearer picture, refer here.

The weather pretty's cold at the moment, coz London itself is like 2 to 8 deg C. So wats this Malay boy got to do to hold on his own there aye. Hopefully can tahan the weather lah. Maybe there can step feeling Mulder n Scully n wear a trenchcoat, but then again, maybe not. Juz hope i dont freeze my ass off.

I will probably be back in 2 or 3 weeks time, depending on how well i cope there. And will try to drop by London a few times, much thanx and big-ups to Madhir and Herman for their guidance and bountiful of info. If i do get lost in London, I will be calling you guys. Hehe.

Pray for my safe journey n safe return. I will be posting up pics if u guys be good. Here's more links to info on bournemouth.



Till then, be good and stay funky. And Mr Yun, selamat bertugas.

P.S : Nak kirim ape2, send loadsa pounds sterling to me yo.
Thanks Thanks.Since you are going London, mite as well look for a job there no? haha.u never know.if got good good buys, email me dude.i will try to transfer duit to you.Enjoy,have fun and enjoy.
Waaah jauh skali dong. Have a safe trip. jgn lupa bekal petai. kasi orang london rasa sikit.. Enjoy!
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